InArtRh Human Revolution CiM - Dance Company MAY 30 - JUNE 2 . 9pm / Teatro Meridional
Rh is the search for human existence in the ethereal place of what once was and what is to be. It is the movement of the human dream where, in the night, paths of the future are built with the memories of the past, questioning choices and desires, starting points and exit routes.
Rh aims at building trajectories of return that aspire to be progress, movements of forces that are as opposite as they are equal, as interior as they are exterior, as singular as they are plural. It is any of us. Part of a natural order of occurrence of events that lead us to places where one looks for the human revolution, Rh.
On stage there are seven dancers with and without disabilities who, together with people from the community in general, leave us with multiple proposals for a human revolution.
Artistic Direction _ Ana Rita Barata, Pedro Sena Nunes Choreography _ Ana Rita Barata Dancers _ Bruno Rodrigues, Diletta Bindi, Emília Parol, Javier Martinez, Joana Gomes, Maria Pinto, noé Music _ Jorge Queijo Dramaturgy Support _ João Cunha Scenic Setting and Costume _ Marta Carreiras Tai Chi and Kung Fu Teacher_ Marco Gonçalves - Associação de Artes Marciais Yang Portugal
Drawing and Light Operation _ Pedro Machado Filmmaking _Pedro Sena Nunes Video Editing _ João Dias
Photography _ João Pedro Rodrigues Graphic Design _ Inês Chaubert
Production and Communication _ Inês Baptista, Beatriz Ribeiro Executive Coordenation CiM _ Célia Carmona Executive Direction CiM _ A. Barata
Co-producers _ ACERT - Associação Cultural e Recreativa de Tondela, Casa da Cultura de Santa Comba Dão, Teatro Municipal da Guarda, Teatro-Cine de Gouveia Creation Support_ Estúdios Victor Córdon, Rumo do Fumo, Soudos - Espaço Rural de Artes, Pro.Dança, Biblioteca de Alcântara
Support _ Associação Paralisia Cerebral de Lisboa, CRPCCG – Centro de Reabilitação de Paralisia Cerebral Calouste Gulbenkian – SCML Special Thanks _ José Maria Belo, Henrique Garcia (treinador de Rugby), GDD Rugby - Grupo Desportivo Direito, Luís P. Malaquias (Osteopata), Manuel Mourão
Institutional Partner _ Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Creation _ CiM - Companhia de Dança Production _ Vo’Arte Vo’Arte is a structure financed by _ República Portuguesa | Cultura, DgArtes |