DIFvoarteRule of Thirds António Cabrita e São Castro ©Photo by António Cabrita
Rule of Thirds by António Cabrita e São Castro
This production is fascinating not only because it is based on a photographic image, but also for all the dramaturgy contained in that frozen moment that cannot completely eliminate the suggestion of movement. Focusing on the formal beauty of a moment, its expressive content, an objective random, an understanding through the gaze. The ambiguous poetics of the visible, in its own language, without using words
The natural framing of the human instinct in a collection of instants captured by Cartier-Bresson and used as the choreographic motif. The most human and real side of the subject captured in an exceptionally natural and extraordinary way. The stage as the framing of the body in real time.
Concept and choreography| António Cabrita e São Castro Interpretation | António Cabrita, São Castro, Luís Malaquias, Margarida Belo Costa Original Music| São Castro e António Cabrita Music | J.S. Bach, Richard Skelton, excerpt of King Arthur de Henry Purcell Costumes | Nuno Nogueira Light Design | Vitor José Project financed by DGArtes – Direcção Geral das Artes Production | Vo’Arte Co-Production | Culturgest, Teatro Viriato Supports | Associação Cultural CiM, Centro Cultural de Belém, Companhia Nacional de Bailado / OPART Artistic Residencies Support | StudioTrade Network - DansBrabant / Tilburg; O Espaço do Tempo / Montemor-o-Novo Premiere Promotion Support | Antena 1, Canal 180, Canal Q, Turismo de Lisboa |