PRODvoarteFish Memory Transdisciplinary Performance 15 min
…there’s no memory of what has been done or what must be done, as if all that occurred yesterday and the day before had not taken place or were devoid of importance, so becoming the meeting in non-meeting, at the same time that an obsession with memory expresses the need to anchor time…
Everything is part of an imagination connected with each one's experiences about a lack and necessity of time references, spreading through the body and to the stage where some trivial questions are asked, such as: Where do the forgotten things go, do they stay protected? Do you know what the difference between Elephant memory and Fish memory is? Do you believe in body memory?
It explores the efficiency of each movement and the communication between the bodies; they are different identities, but they are unified in the way they present themselves and in the objective that they propose on scene.
Artistic Concept António Cabrita and Catarina Gonçalves
Choreography Catarina Gonçalves
with the collaboration of Jorge Granadas
Video & Music Creator António Cabrita
Voice Yete Borges
Direction & Coordination Ana Rita Barata and Pedro Sena Nunes
Support & Production Vo’Arte and Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Lisboa
Aknowledgments António Paiva, António Barata and Célia Carmona |