PRODvoarteCiM 10 Years Programme
In 2017, the year in which the dance company CiM celebrates its 10th anniversary, Vo’Arte and the cultural association CiM promote a set of activities that are aimed to redrawn, create and inspire inclusion through art form in a whole new perspective.
With a repertoire of 12 perfromances in more than 29 Portuguese cities and in 12 countries worldwide, CiM has had the collaboration of 80 artists with and without disabilities. This dance company has also held 36 workshops with more than 2000 participants. We can proudly say that this has been a long and rewarding journey, full of great achievements that have been shared with more than 200000 spectators.
We innovate from the inside. We start from the seed of creation and then reformulate and present diversity through a symbiosis between artistic languages and generations interchanges.
The presentation of the performance Edge and the film 2 and 2 are four – which occurred in Loulé at the 7th of January during the 3rdMonstrare: International Exhibition of Social Cinema – marked the beginning of CiM’s 10th year anniversary programme. ▾ In February was open an audition for the recreation of the performance: “O Aqui”where 150 people attended. “O Aqui” will be presented on the 20th and 22nd of October in Teatro São Luiz and on the 27th and 28th of October in Teatro Nacional São João. ▾ In March CiM will be part of the Lisbon Week. A great variety of events will take place in Lumiar, Lisboa. CiM 10 Years Event :: Lisbon Week ▾ In April Vo’Arte is promoting a week of inclusive dance workshop and a masterclass, in Lisbon, with the well-known choreographer and founder of Candoco: Adam Benjamin. ▾ From the 6th to the 11th of June, InArt festival returns to Teatro São Luiz reshaped into a new format in syntony with CiM's 10th anniversary. This inspiring event explores new work strategies and ways of interaction with disabled people through their contact with art in an international sphere. From the programme, we highlight the premier of Geração SOMA's performance. EU MAIOR is the result of a project that involved more than a thousand children (aged between 6 and 16 years old) from two of the largest school groups in Lisbon. There will also be an InArt seminar that will take place in Lisbon on the 2nd of June, at Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações. ▾ In July the choreographer Alito Alessi, worldwide known for the work that he has developed over 30 years in inclusive dance, will be in Portugal for the first time to teach his DanceAbility method. This will be an intensive course with teacher certification for all the participants. A Vo'Arte initiative with the support of the US Embassy in Portugal.
Vo'Arte and CiM assumes the front line of inclusion through art in Portugal. Distinguished with an honourable mention of BPI Capacitar (2016), the Intellectual Accessibility Award (2015) and the Inclusion Award (2014), Vo'Arte and CiM have been developing a valuable work bringing communities together through art form and consequently, creating a space of shared knowledge and social innovation.
In 2018 Vo'Arte will be celebrating its 20th anniversary! These have been two decades of work in multidisciplinary projects which have broken boundaries between generations, mindsets, aesthetical perspectives and skills.
Join us and celebrate diversity with us. |