Art for Inclusion
Alfaro, Spain | 2 to 8th of April 2018
European Commission’s Programme Erasmus+
“Art for Inclusion” is a project of European dimension funded under the Key Action 1 of the European Commission’s programme Erasmus+.
Its main objective is to join together different organisations focused on the use of non-formal and theatrical methodologies in order to provide a medium for the inclusion for everyone to develop their own artistic projects.
The main activity implemented during the project will be a transnational seminar that will take place between the 2nd and 8th of April 2018 in Alfaro (Spain), where 23 professionals from seven different countries will take part.
Coordinated by Asociación Juvenil Teatral ON&OFF (Spain) with the cooperation of the ARSIDO (Spain), County Limerick Youth Theatre (Ireland), Focus (Bulgaria), Provasi (Cyprus), Uniamoci (Italy), Dançando com a Diferença (Portugal) and VOARTE (Portugal).
This seminar will allow that representatives from these organisations and managers of their programmes can participate in a programme of work designed not only to provide them with new knowledge and skills on interculturality through theater, but also on how to use them at transnational level as a tool to achieve the social inclusion of youth on their communities and their development.